Jeff council OKs waiving permit fees for medical center project

The Jefferson city council at its Feb. 11 meeting approved waiving $56,475 in building permit fees for the $22.5 million expansion and renovation at Greene County Medical Center.

“I know that’s a large sum for this council to consider, but I definitely feel that the money you’d be able to save us will go towards continuing to advance our project around access, privacy and efficiency,” medical center chief executive officer Carl Behne told the council.

He said the emergency department will be moved “up front and center” to improve access; privacy will be improved both in inpatient and outpatient areas; and there will be greater efficiency for the staff and patients and in the infrastructure.

Bids are due Feb. 21 and will be considered by the board of trustees March 12. An April groundbreaking is anticipated, Behne said.

Council members Gary Von Ahsen and Lisa Jaskey asked about the use of local contractors on the project. The USDA provided $18 million as a loan for the project and guaranteed another $2 million loan from Home State Bank. Because of USDA’s participation, the project must meet certain guidelines, but Behne said local contractors will be welcome to contact the general contractor about subcontracting work. Behne also said that to date, all general contractors who have inquired about the project are Iowa companies.

The city will incur no infrastructure cost in the project. There will be minimal work on a sewer line along a half block of Grimmell Road, but that is included in the medical center’s cost of the project.

The council approved waiving the permit fees with Von Ahsen, Jaskey, Larry Teeples and Harry Ahrenholtz voting in favor. Council member Shannon Black abstained; she is employed by the medical center.

Von Ahsen said the council has previously supported similar projects with waiving building permit fees. “It’s our way of contributing to the project locally,” Von Ahsen said.

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